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During this module you have covered the basic principles of coaching your team and you should now feel confident in delivering coaching sessions.

This module has covered:-

  • Coaching is a key skill to develop your team
  • Coaching is about helping an individual to come up with their own solutions to learn
  • There are 3 key skills of coaching - asking the right questions, listening and summarising
  • GROW model is a great tool to help structure your coaching sessions
  • Remember - A coaching session could just be a 2 minute conversation
  • Practice makes perfect

Next Steps

We want you to put what you have learnt into practice in your pharmacy so that your coaching techniques can be practiced and improved. You should now think about what opportunities you can use for a planned coaching sesion with a team member. You can also find an opportunity to coach someone spotaneously.

Further Reading

If you are interested in doing any further reading around change management please see a list of resources below.

BIRD, J. and GORNALL, S. (2015) The art of coaching: a handbook of tips and tools. London: Routledge.

HAWKINS, P. (2012) Creating a coaching culture: developing a coaching strategy for your organization. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

JONES, G. and GORELL, R. (2015) 50 top tools for coaching. 3rd ed. London: Kogan Page.