Hernia Pants on Prescription

Hernia Pants on Prescription

Q. I have a patient who has asked if there is anything else available on prescription other than a truss that could help him manage his hernia.

A: It is not just hernia belts, girdles and trusses that are allowed on prescription but also certain hernia pants are available too. The Drug Tariff (part 1XA appliances) only lists one brand of hernia pants: Orione Hernia Briefs.

These briefs hold the hernia in a reduced state reducing pain and discomfort which improves the patient’s quality of life short term, whilst also improving any surgical outcome as the patient will have a smaller hernia at the point of surgery.

Orione Hernia Briefs are specifically designed for men for the relief of inguinal hernias, and are designed to look like normal underwear. A female version is available but is not available on prescription.

Orione Hernia Briefs are also found in part 3 of the Scottish Tariff and part III of the Northern Ireland Tariff.

Orione Hernia Briefs are manufactured by Herniapants. Pharmacy staff who have any queries on their products or wish to place an order can contact the company on 01647 270257 or visit the Herniapants website.

If you have any questions about this particular tip or any other drug tariff query you can call Information Services on 0800 783 5709.

Tariff Tip written by Sue Swift, UK Drug Tariff and Information Technician

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