From Pre-payment to Exemption

From Pre-payment to Exemption

Q: A patient has just been diagnosed as suffering from diabetes and has asked if they can have a refund on their prepayment certificate as they are now medically exempt, what advice should we give?

A: The patient would now be eligible for a medical exemption certificate and will no longer need to purchase a prepayment certificate. There is a process for the patient to claim a refund of the outstanding prepayment certificate, as detailed below:

  • The doctor needs to complete  the  relevant exemption  forms  with the details of  the diagnosis  and confirming that the patient is now medically exempt from  certain health costs and send it off to the relevant Authority  
  • The patient  should be advised to continue to use their prepayment card until they receive the documentation from the NHSBSA
  • Patients who have paid for their pre-payment certificate by Direct Debit should be advised to leave the Direct Debit active to allow NHSBSA to refund any payment due to the patient.
  • When the patient has received their refund and exemption certificate they can destroy their prepayment certificate unless the NHSBSA have advised them to return it to them

For any queries relating to this process please contact:

Business Services Authority

152 Pilgrim Street

Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel: 0300 330 1341



If you have any questions about this particular tip or any other drug tariff query you can call Information Services on 0800 783 5709.

Tariff Tip written by Sue Swift, UK Drug Tariff and Information Technician

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