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Why is whistleblowing important?

Several high profile cases have demonstrated the importance of whistleblowing procedures. These include the Harold Shipman case, the Francis Enquiry into the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust; the inquiry into the Bristol Royal Infirmary, and the scandals at the Winterbourne View and the Orchard View  care homes.

Harold Shipman was a GP who murdered at least 215 of his patients over a 24 year period. During this time several people had suspicions regarding the doctors clinical practice but were reluctant to speak up because of fear of not being believed or legal retribution. A warden at the sheltered accommodation where some of the residents died had noticed several of the deaths coincided with the doctors visits, but a friend advised her not to say anything because people would think she was mad. A taxi driver had also noticed that some of his regular elderly customers, who were all Shipmans patients, died unexpectedly. He started to keep records but did not go to the police because his wife convinced him that he could be sued if the allegations were untrue.

It was only when two funeral directors concerned about the number of cremation certificates they were signing, approached another local doctors practice, who in turn contacted the coroner, who then passed the concerns to the police, that the matter was investigated.

Only after another patient died and her daughter thought that her will had been forged, was Shipman properly investigated finally. Had any of the people who had concerns or suspicions spoken up sooner this may have enabled the case to be investigated earlier and lives to be saved.

In a separate case, a coroners inquest into the deaths of five elderly patients at Orchid View care home showed that the deaths had been caused by institutionalised abuse leading to neglect. The inquest revealed that a community pharmacist had visited the home and been physically sick as a result of the conditions that she had witnessed. The pharmacist had raised the issues with a senior staff nurse during the visit but had not reported her concerns to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as she knew that the home had already been rated as failing and assumed that they were aware of the problems. If these problems had been reported the home may have been closed sooner, reducing the suffering of the elderly residents.

These cases highlight the fact that the ability to raise concerns or to speak up without fear of reprisal or retribution from either your employer or fellow workers is essential for safeguarding members of the public.