Post travel counselling and support
Most post travel infections become apparent soon after returning from abroad, but incubation periods vary, and some symptoms can present months to years after initial infection or after travel.
When a patient comes to the pharmacy for support with symptoms that are not usual for them and they have been abroad you should refer them to the pharmacist.
Some common questions the pharmacist may ask are:
- History of the presenting illness e.g., date started, where they were when it started, medicines taken, and any healthcare already received.
- Travel details e.g., destinations visited, reason(s) for visiting, and duration in area.
- Activities participated in whilst they were away.
- Exposure risks e.g., animals, insects, food, and water.
- Vaccinations (if any) received prior to travel.
- Prophylaxis taken (or still taking) e.g., anti-malarials, and antibiotics.
- Past medical history e.g., diabetes, heart disease, immunocompromised etc.