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WWHAM practicalities 

As already stated WWHAM gives a structured questioning technique to ensure that all the required information is gathered to allow an appropriate recommendation or referral. WWHAM is an acronym for a questioning technique used when communicating with customers / patients in the pharmacy which translates to:

  • W Who is the patient
  • W What are the symptoms
  • H How long have the symptoms been present
  • A Action taken
  • M Medication being taken

If WWHAM is not used there could be serious implications as the wrong treatment could be recommended or serious medical conditions not recognised. Unfortunately not all of the WWHAM questions are always used and sometimes none of them are used. There are a number of reasons why this questioning technique is not used from being too cumbersome, to counter staff not being trained correctly or simply not bothering. In the interests of customer safety WWHAM (or equivalent questioning techniques) should be used during EVERY consultation.

Please remember If WWHAM (or equivalent questioning techniques) are not used it can have many negative consequences including (not exclusively): 

  • Confusion with taking medications
  • Under or overdosing
  • Poor compliance
  • Wastage
  • Extra cost
  • Extra time (when new medicine is dispensed, and patient counselled) 
  • Physical and / or mental harm to the patient
  • Lack of faith in the pharmacy team and the business
  • Damaged reputation for the staff member and the business
  • Safeguarding concerns
  • Legal ramifications
  • Disciplinary

There are also certain products that require additional questions to be asked before they can be sold, or have their own protocols. Here is an example, but it is important that you keep up to date with any changes in product dosages, product licence changes or POM to P switches.

Imigran Recovery, containing Sumatriptan, is specifically licenced to treat migraine. It is a P medicine and can only be recommended if there has been a clear diagnosis of migraine. The first time a person is sold Imigran Recovery they must complete a questionnaire and speak to the pharmacist. Once this questionnaire has been completed, a tear off slip is given back to the customer which means the next time they want to purchase the product they can do so without completing another questionnaire, as long as they present the tear off slip. It is important to confirm before making a subsequent sale that there has been no change to their condition or new medication started since they completed the questionnaire. Therefore, if a customer asks to purchase Imigran Recovery you should always ask if they have completed the questionnaire and they have the tear off slip before you sell the product, otherwise ask them to complete the questionnaire and then refer them to the pharmacist.