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It is important to understand what a customer has already used to treat their symptoms to prevent you recommending the same or a similar "me too" treatment.

By asking what they have already tried and for how long, you can confirm that the customer has been using the treatment correctly at the recommended dose for the appropriate period of time.

If you confirm that a treatment has been used correctly and has not relieved the symptoms, it may be appropriate to either recommend an alternative OTC treatment or refer the customer to the pharmacist or their GP. If you recommend an alternative treatment, you should ensure the customer understands how to take or apply the treatment and for how long before seeking further medical advice.

Certain conditions, such as eczema, may require the customer to try several treatments before they find one that helps relieve their symptoms. Some customers may never find a treatment that completely relieves their condition. Therefore it is important to manage the customers' expectations, advise them that this might be the case and ask them to return to the pharmacy if they see no improvement.

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