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Service delivery by counter staff through SOP's

The GPHC pharmacy support staff reminds us that pharmacy support staff are allowed to assist pharmacy professionals to provide pharmacy services so following the directions of your pharmacy professional is essential to protect both yourself and the service.

Which services the pharmacy offers are usually agreed at a management level, but this does not mean that counter staff do not have an important role in the delivery of some of these services if it is clearly documented how to do it, and within the skill set of the counter assistant.

Although Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) are commonplace for everyday mandatory dispensing tasks e.g., selecting a medication from a shelf and labelling that product most optional services that are delivered by counter staff are also usually in line with an SOP. A good SOP should be:

  • Easy to read
  • Uncomplicated to follow
  • Accurate
  • Written in a concise way
  • A clear step-by-step guide how to complete task(s),
  • Specific to your pharmacy 

The SOP process can provide many benefits to store operations, such as:

  • Save time and workforce to do the job by building a clear operating procedure that supports the tasks included in the process to be handled proactively and quickly
  • Reduce errors and waste time and human resources when adopting new processes.
  • Synchronise and ensure productivity in the workplace
  • Quality control of pharmacy operations

After appropriate training and usually working under a responsible trained pharmacist some examples of service-related SOP's that counter staff might deliver in a community pharmacy include those relating to :

  • Healthy Living Pharmacy Champion
  • Pharmacy Contraception Service
  • Blood Pressure Checks
  • Flu Vaccination  

Remember the SOP is there to protect, not hinder, the counter staff member and if followed correctly, without deviation, ensures they are working in line with current policies, legislation and agreed guidance.