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The issue of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is very rarely far from the headlines with most people having heard of cases like Victoria Climbie, Baby P, Winterbourne View, Hillcroft and Orchard View . These cases highlighted where some of the most vulnerable people in our society have received treatment that might at best be described as inhumane and at worst, barbaric.

Every healthcare professional, including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, have a responsibility to act where they consider a child or vulnerable adult may be at risk from abuse. In addition, each member of the pharmacy team must recognise that they also have a responsibility for safeguarding to ensure that vulnerable individuals are not subject to abuse or otherwise put at risk of abuse.

Every pharmacy should have a safeguarding policy along with contact details for their local children’s safeguarding board (LCSB) and vulnerable adult safeguarding board (LASB). Once you have read this module, read your pharmacy’s policy, and make sure that you know where the relevant safeguarding board contact details are kept. Be aware that you may be asked about or have to explain your pharmacy’s safeguarding policy during a GPhC inspection.


By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Describe the type of person who may be at increased risk of abuse.
  • Identify the different categories of abuse.
  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of each type of abuse.
  • Explain what you should and should not do if you suspect a child or vulnerable adult is being abused.
  • Work in line with specific pharmacy safeguarding procedures.