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Categories of abuse for children

Abuse of children is generally categorised into one of four categories:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional or psychological abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Neglect

Each of these categories can manifest itself in a different range of signs and symptoms. As children may be victims to one or more of these forms of abuse, this module will consider what each category means and how this may affect the child’s behaviour.

Other types of abuse may include – Modern slavery, Trafficking, honour-based violence, forced marriage, child exploitation, extra familial risk, peer impact, exploitation and involvement in serious youth violence.  However we will focus on the main four types.

Prevent which is part of the Government counter terrorism strategy is also included as part of the Safeguarding responsibility for healthcare professionals. Prevent aims to prevent vulnerable people from being radicalised or groomed to become terrorists. Pharmacy safeguarding policies should include contact details for the local NHS Prevent Lead and the regional police Prevent team.