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TILE is a commonly used acronym that stands for task, individual, load and environment; four factors that should be taken into account before performing a manual handling job. The legislation states that risk assessments should be completed before employees have to partake in manual handling, and this acronym helps to remember the different areas that need to be considered before deciding whether a task is safe to carry out. 

  • T ask - the nature of the manual handling task
  • I ndividual - the abilities of the individual(s) completing the task
  • L oad - the characteristics of the load that needs to be handled
  • E nvironment - the layout and terrain of the environment in which the manual handling task is performed

It is worth remembering this is often referred to as a "dynamic risk assessment" in the fact that although not necessarily written down and documented all staff should go through this process in their mind before any manual handling (i.e. lifting) task is implemented! 

It is also worth remembering after going through this dynamic risk assessment if you feel the task is dangerous or unsafe for you to do then seek support from a colleague or advice from a manager before completing the manual handling task.