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Managing Difficult Customers
What Do We Mean by Difficult Customer?
Looking After Ourselves
Looking After Ourselves Scenario
General Pointers for Difficult Customers
The Aggressive, Demanding or Bullying Type Customer
Empathy and Sympathy
If the Customer Doesn't Calm Down
Angry Customer Summary
Angry Customer Scenario
The Complainer Customer
Complainer Multichoice
The Indecisive Customer
Indecisive Scenario
The Know-it-all Customer
Know-it-all Scenario
The Uninterested Customer
Uninterested Customer Multi Choice Question
The Talkative Customer
The Talker Multichoice
The Embarrassed Customer
Embarrassed Customer Quiz
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Asking the customer to calm down
Telling someone to calm down does not work, the colleague should’ve given an empathetic response such as “I understand why you are frustrated but we appreciate your patience whilst we serve the other customers, we will serve you as soon as possible”.
Displaying negative body language such as eye rolling, sighing and shrugging
The negative body language has made the colleague appear disinterested and bored. The colleague should have used positive body language and kept their facial expressions neutral.
Telling the customer why the pharmacist is busy
As long as confidentiality isn’t breached this isn’t an issue. However, this sounds like an excuse which the customer may not be interested in. Also it may take more time to explain the issues rather than simply getting on with the task in hand.
Raising their voice/shouting
The colleague should have stayed calm and managed their emotions
Being sarcastic
The colleague should display professional behaviour and be polite to customers
Telling the customer the wait is another 30 mins
This may help the customer plan their time but it should be as accurate as possible.
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