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The benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce in a community pharmacy

Pharmacy has traditionally been a very diverse sector to work in with staff of many different ages and ethnic groups. There are lots of benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce including:

1. Diversity leads to greater innovation

Diverse employees bring a far-reaching set of life experiences and backgrounds to the table, meaning they often look at life through a different lens. That different perspective can open new ways to solve challenges or address problems such as overcoming language barriers and communicating more effectively.

2. Diversity makes it easier to recruit high quality pharmacy staff

With such competition in the workplace recruiting talented, dedicated pharmacy workers can be challenging. The website Just It  tells that "research has found that 67 percent of jobseekers considered a diverse workforce one of the important factors in choosing where to work". That was true regardless of whether or not the survey respondents were part of a minority. This shows that workers aren’t just open to the idea of a diverse workplace, but that they’re beginning to expect it. The more your employer responds to this expectation, the better their chances are of hiring and retaining top staff.

3. Customers respond to diversity

Diversity isn’t just changing the complexions of workplaces across the country; it’s also changing the faces of consumers. The U.K. becomes more racially diverse every year, and that means buyers are more likely to be members of minorities and buyers means profit in a community pharmacy. When any business establishes itself as having a culture that fosters diversity, it becomes more attractive to minority customers. A community pharmacy with a diverse staff is more likely to be perceived as understanding the needs of a diverse customer also which in turn will bring confidence, repeat custom and greater profits. It can even boost the image of your pharmacy as a diverse inclusive place to work, shop in and collect prescriptions from.

4. Diversity and inclusion boost employee engagement and business profits

Positive work environments lead to greater success because happy employees are more motivated, productive, and engaged in their work. Employees feel valued and respected, which leads to greater collaboration, creativity job performance and even increased profit in the business. Rememebr that a more profitable business means promotions and pay increases are more likely. When employees describe the benefits of diversity and inclusion to them personally, it creates a happier, more relaxed work environment. On the flip side disengaged employees directly cost the business a considerable loss in profits yearly through lost productivity and poor reputation. This also undermines the overall morale of everyone as profits, morale, and productivity drop. 

Understanding the true meaning of diversity and inclusion positively affects all workers, regardless of whether or not they’re part of minority groups. Diversity and inclusion does not just happen in a workplace. It takes careful, conscious thought and a clear plan to ensure everyone emphasises and understands the concepts at every level. And when employees embrace and nurture this type of environment, it benefits everyone!