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Equality at work

Equality is about treating people alike according to their needs. You should make sure that everyone is given equality of opportunity.

If fairness is the goal, equality and equity are two processes through which we can achieve it. Equality simply means everyone is treated the same exact way, regardless of need or any other individual difference. Equity, on the other hand, means everyone is provided with what they need to succeed.

True equality at work (and an inclusive working environment) doesn’t come from treating everyone the same. It comes from understanding the differing perspectives, history and needs of all your people, and providing an environment which gives an equality of experience and outcomes, not just equal treatment.

Think about 4 patients prescribed the same antibiotic, at the same dosage for the same condition. 

Patient 1 has full physical and mental capacity and can communicate well

Patient 2 has a learning disability

Patient 3 is blind

Patient 4 does not speak or read English

True equality or equity as it is often called is everyone understanding how to take their antibiotic correctly and all complying. (The end goal). However, to get to that point we will need to treat everybody differently to get to their end outcome.

Patient 1 might need to be counselled normally 

Patient 2 we might need to communicate via different methods e.g., Makaton

Patient 3 talking and braille might help

Patient 4 a using translator or a translator device e.g., Google Translate.