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Supporting someone with dementia

In a pharmacy there are several ways you can support someone with dementia especially signposting a customer / patient to support available to them

Charities and voluntary organisations provide valuable support and advice on their websites and via their helplines:

If you were a carer yourself caring for someone with dementia can be challenging and stressful. But with the right support, it can be rewarding and often satisfying and this non-exclusive lists of things you might have to do as a carer include:

  • Helping someone with everyday tasks e.g., washing, dressing toileting, shopping, laying the table, gardening and even taking the dog for a walk.
  • Memory aids used around the home e.g., labels and signs can help the person remember where things are.
  • Help with eating and drinking e.g., set aside enough time for meals, offer food you know they like, and in smaller portions, provide finger foods if the person struggles with cutlery and offer fluids in a clear glass or coloured cup that's easy to hold.
  • Make sure the person has plenty of daylight and physical activity during the day and not too much caffeine to help with sleep problems.
  • Asking for help when needed.
  • Go online and look at the charities and support networks available.