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Also known as the winter vomiting bug, norovirus is an extremely contagious stomach bug causing vomiting and diarrhoea. Norovirus can occur throughout the year, but is more prevalent in winter and is usually over in around 2 days. Apart from recommending anti -diarrheal medication such as loperamide hydrochloride and rehydration treatments, here are some self-help tips you can advise:

  • Avoiding contact with someone who has norovirus.
  • Avoid touching surfaces or objects that someone infected has touched.
  • Avoid eating food prepared or handled by someone with norovirus.

Team talk – link selling is where an additional product is sold to enhance the original product the customer is buying or linked to the reason they are buying it. Are you comfortable to link sell? If not, consider discussing ideas with your manager or work with a colleague to help you identify what products or services can be link sold. The key thing to remember is always ask your WWHAM questions.