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module menu icon Treatment of Pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia depends on how severe the symptoms are. Pneumonia can present itself as a mild case and therefore can be treated at home, to severe and life threatening cases where people may need to stay in hospital.

With mild cases of pneumonia, they may be treated at home by getting plenty of rest, drinking plenty of fluids and taking antibiotics. If no other health issues, people tend to recover quickly.

In more severe cases, especially those that fall in the ‘at risk’ groups, they may be too ill to be treated at home and will need hospital care and attention, such as being provided with antibiotics through a drip and given access to oxygen.

Did you know….

Antibiotic resistance is a huge issue – by taking them when it’s not really needed will only have a negative effect i.e. it won’t work for you in future. They are no longer being prescribed for things like a common cold, sore throats and ear infections in children. Take a read of our module here.