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module menu icon What are antimicrobials 2

An antimicrobial is an agent that kills the microorganisms or stops its growth.

There are many different microorganisms and many more sub classes but 5 of the most common microorganisms that are the main causes of infection include:-

  1. Bacteria
  2. Viruses
  3. Fungi
  4. Protozoa
  5. Parasites


Antimicrobial medicines are grouped according to the what causes the infection they are used to treat:

  • Antibiotics e.g. Amoxycillin are used to treat bacterial infections e.g., Pneumonia
  • Antivirals e.g. Aciclovir are used to treat viral infections e.g., Herpes Zoster
  • Antifungals e.g. Fluconazole are used to treat fungal infections  e.g., Canididiasis
  • Antiprotozoals e.g. Chloroquine  are used to treat protozoal infections e.g., Plasmodium Vivax Malaria
  • Antiparasitics e.g. Mebendazole are used to treat parasitic infections e.g., Threadworms