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Food Allergy 

A food allergy will occur when the body’s immune system responds in an unusual way after eating certain foods. Symptoms will appear almost instantly after eating or will develop within a couple of hours.

Some of the commons foods associated with allergies include milk, eggs, shellfish, nuts, wheat and soya – to access factsheets on the different foods and how it can affect a person click here.

Common symptoms include:   

Severe symptoms could lead to anaphylaxis – see next tab for more information

Avoidance of the specific food is the only real treatment or if the customer experiences itchy skin/rash, antihistamines can be suggested.

Top tips to advise your customers with a food allergy:

  • Keep a diary of the food(s) which causes the allergy (you can download one by clicking here)  
  • Consider checking for foods you need to avoid in the ingredients section of food labels

To read further on food allergies and how to manage them, please click here.