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A chaperone policy is put into place to safeguard and protect patients and pharmacy staff. Whilst it is not mandatory for all pharmacies to have a policy, it can evidence compliance of the GPhC Premises Standards, stated in the introduction of this module. When a pharmacy is inspected by the GPhC, an inspector may ask questions about the policy and how it is implemented.

The key points to remember about a chaperone policy and providing chaperones to patients are to ensure:

    • The policy is clearly advertised in the pharmacy
    • The policy is clearly explained to patients and offered when appropriate
    • The offer of a chaperone is recorded whether it is taken up or declined by the patient
    • All staff are fully aware of the policy and can explain it to patients
    • Staff who agree to act as a chaperone are trained and fully aware of their role and responsibilities. (for and informal chaperone completing this module will suffice)
    • Requests for a chaperone are fulfilled wherever possible or consultations rescheduled
    • Concerns are raised if the policy has not been followed or inappropriate behaviour has occurred