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module menu icon Strategies to combat misuse

Strategies that pharmacies can employ to combat or reduce the incidence of misuse of OTC medicines include:

    • Stocking products most commonly subject to misuse out of sight of the customer, for example in the dispensary or behind the counter. This strategy allows for enhanced questioning of customers requesting these products.
    • The pharmacist challenging or advising customers suspected of misusing an OTC medicine or purchasing specific products regularly. Customers identified as misusing OTC medicines should be referred to their GP for support.
    • Refusing to sell specific medicines especially where large quantities are requested.
    • Sharing suspicions of products being misused with other local pharmacies or the GPhC/local inspector.
    • Keeping a register of sales of products that are known to be misused.
    • No longer stocking products known to be misused.
    • Maintaining knowledge of the potential for products to be misued to enable sales to be monitored appropriately.
    • Having written policies or SOPs to assist with combating misuse
    • The effective counselling of customers requesting medication will also help combat unintentional misuse.
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