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module menu icon Treating Verrucas

There are many different methods for treating verrucas, however most treatment options take around 12 weeks to work effectively.

Most treatment options require daily or weekly attention and patients do need to apply treatment regularly to ensure their effectiveness.

Salicylic acid - Can help to soften and destroy the infected tissue and can be seen in ointments, gels and plasters.

Freeze treatments - They incluide dimethyl ether propane This can be done at the GP but there are also OTC products available. 

Duct tape treatment - Patients can apply a piece of duct tape over the verruca for a week at a time, and each week it can be gently abraded with a pumice stone/emery board. It can take around 8 weeks for this process to work.

You can provide your patient with some self care advise to stop verrucas spreading and to help relieve symptoms:-

  • Wash hands after touching verrucas
  • Change socks daily
  • Some treatments create a selaed environment to prevent the spread but if not being treated, cover with a verruca sock when swimming
  • Don't share towels, socks or showers
  • Don't walk barefoot in public place
  • Don't scratch or pick at the verruca