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module menu icon Treating Cuts and Grazes

The usual type of treatment for cuts and grazes are dressings or plasters – here are some tips for advising your customers on how to look after their wound:

  • Stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the injury using a towel/bandage.
  • To dress the wound, wash the area under running water and tap dry with a clean towel before applying a dressing/bandage.
  • If the wound is heavily bleeding, DO NOT wash it, it would be appropriate to refer the customer to the pharmacist.
  • Keep the dressing clean by changing it as often as necessary.
  • Antiseptics should only be used for a short time and if the wound isn’t healing, seek medical attention.

The simplest types of dressings are plasters and they come in different sizes, shapes and different types i.e. fabric, waterproof, plastic, medicated. They are ideal to protect smaller cuts and grazes.
Antiseptics can be applied under a plaster for extra protection from germs and come in different forms such as sprays, creams and lotions.
To manage the pain, you can recommend paracetamol or ibuprofen – don’t forget to use your WWHAM questions to make sure it’s suitable.
For larger and deeper cuts, it would be advisable to use a more substantial dressing to promote healing.