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module menu icon Treating Cold Sores

There are many different methods of treating a cold sore:-

  • Creams - help to relieve the symptoms and soothe the area
  • Cold sore patches - seals the cold sore to help prevent spreading and soothes the itching and burning sensation, can help to prevent scabbing
  • Antiviral creams such as aciclovir and penciclovir can help speed up the healing process
  • Electronic devices - used when first symptoms are experienced and uses passive light to defend against the virus.

Customers can also use some self-help methods:-

  • Wash hands before and after applying any creams
  • Take paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease pain and swelling
  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
  • Avoid touching and itching the cold sore
  • Dab cream on to the affected area rather than rubbing it
  • Don't share anything with others such as cutlery, lipstick, cold sore creams etc
  • Avoid kissing anyone whilst you have a cold sore